UNGA Science Summit hosts workshop on advancing holistic health and cancer care

UNGA Science Summit hosts workshop on advancing holistic health and cancer care

Join us at the United Nations General Assembly Science Summit being held on dates Sept 10-27th 2024, New York & Livestreamed.

Global minds coming together to advance science and innovation.

According to the dictionary, the verb “to cure” is defined as “to restore to health”. Does it therefore mean, erradicating illness, or does it call for a broader lens view of restoring to wholeness.

Let’s use cancer as an example. A disease, and ailment, the emperor of all maladies. A teacher perhaps as well, a wisdom in is own right? Cancer is a a ‘loaded’ word. Saying it initiates an emotional response in people. In those who have been diagnosed, in those who know people who have been diagnosed and treated, in those who treat it, in those who research it. That trigger translates to a biochemical cascade in the body, ultimately affecting physiology, and often producing states of anxiety, stress, depression, dissociation and more. The nervous system goes into protection mode: fight, flight, freeze, and this state, often unconsciously becomes the governing state of behaving, and being. Seeing the patient’s nervous system is a part of the new paradigm, looking at the emotional, psychological, inter- relational, physical and spiritual provides a holistic view and understanding and functions to re-empower the patient to act in agency and in a regulated state, while establishing a true partnership with a medical professional team who can in such case deliver true healthcare.


We are thrilled to announce that we will be holding a 2 hour in person and online livestreamed workshop/session on Integrating Medical Care and Holistic Healing on Sept 23rd, 2024, 4:00-6:00PM as a part of this year’s UNGA Science Summit.

Registration for in person and online attendance is FREE, follow the link:

Spots for in person are limited so register today! Venue: Cure, UNGA79 Science Summit venue located at 345 Park Avenue South, New York.

Distinguished panel:

Dr Aleksandra Filipovic, Sharing Progress in Cancer Care and Imperial College London UK
Dr Anna Yusim, Yale School of Medicine USA
Dr Maryam Lustberg, Yale School of Medicine and Yale Cancer Center USA
Dr Eva Selhub, Clinical Advisor Harvard Medical School USA

We are looking forward to coming together to support and promote UNGA Sustainable Development Goals and unite in advancing, innovating and optimizing health of each individual through a whole person care lens.

This and so much more will be the topic we will dive into on Sept 23rd, 4-6pm EST.

Join us:

Registartion for in person and online is FREE.

We are humbled to be of service.

Dr. Aleksandra Filipovic, on behalf of the SSUNGA79 Session Team


ISC Intelligence in Science
